How to Create Google account for business - act as professionals

By Beno The Photographer → Saturday, July 12, 2014
starting a small business online can be the dream of much peoples, we try in this site "guide of Blogger" to help you if you are one from theme, by provide easy steps and valuable articles about that subject, so the first step is to Create Google account for business free and do the first step to you starting a web business.

Why I need a professional (business) Google Account? (Isn’t ok to create a normal one!) :
If you want Create Google account for business, you need give Google real information about yourself. Like this, you help Google to build your authorship, mean give your site a voice, and make peoples who see your site in SERP, feel that there is real person behind it.
Now all SEO experts recommend webmasters to use Google authorship feature, because it’s one of criteria who help your site to rank high then your competitor sites.
These images are taken from Google SERP, they will show you two sites. Site “A”, who have Google authority feature, and Site “B”, who don’t have it, so you can notice the different.

For you have same result like site “A”, you Need Create Google account for business that’s looks professional, mean you Use a real information and a picture, because if Google feel like the information are Fake, all your result will look just like Site “B”.
How to Create Google account for business "login"?
It is simple, just before begin create Google account think that you will Create Google account for business, so you need to use real information, and real picture for profile, where your face is clearly show, and stay away from this two example.

1- Bad name example while Create Google account for business:

a- Black snoop.
b- ninja john… and list cane be long, so stay away from names who make peoples scare and feel like you own a hack site.

2- Bad Image example never do this mistake while creating an google account:

a- Comic person.

b- no head:

c- face not clear:

d- hidden or scary faces:

e- Famous actors (example Leonardo Decaprio):
Without forget baby and nature pictures.

See in this article how add Google authorship to your blog or site<link>.
read here how to creating google account! Follow these easy steps with illustrations.

Here we finish this article who talk about Create Google account for business, it's easy, simple, and it will add great value to your site/blog and Seo that's mean a good rank and more trust so you will make more money online.
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Author: Beno kuwazaki

I'm Beno kuwazaki. A full time blogger. I enjoy to help people. I love to create new blogs and write about bloggin especialy Blogger/Blogspot my first and favorite blog service. For hear latest methods of making money online, Just Follow me in social medias; and subscribe to my mail list (It's free) Subscribe Via email

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